What we fly

This brief guide captures a cross-section of what a new member can find at GMAC at daily basis:

General Flying

By far the most popular ‘style’ for flying is what we call general flying. Pilots take off from the runway and losely follow the main curcuit, practising basic maneuvers, low passes, landings, takeoffs. Several aircrafts share the same space and a very important part of this style of flying is good communication between the pilots within the flying box signalling their intentions to each other.

A wide range of aircrafts, designs and technologies is used and includes gliders, foamies, ARF kits, scratch builds powered by electric, nitro and petrol motors. The sizes vary from very small to medium with 95% sitting below the 7kg weight (certification is required above that). Most popular trainers are a foam build Bixlers and their clones, many pilots fly nitro trainers.

Throughout the year, some Clubs arrange and run fun competitions where pilots can meet and compete in areas like Musical Landings, Bomb dropping, Limbo flying, Fun aerobatics.


More advanced pilots and especially those that take special interest in building the airplanes take on the challenge of building and flying scaled copies of real airplanes. Most popular among them are the warbirds and aerobatic airplanes. They tend to be larger in size, frequently certified (above 7kg), come with larger engines and are a bit for difficult to fly.

The most commited pilots and builders can join a state Scale interest groups and attend numerous competions both locally, interstate and international.

Aerobatics and 3D

Those that want to push their model and pilot skills to the limit may opt of an aerobatic and/or 3D aircraft. They are usually very light, high powered aircrafts with large control surfaces. High power supports flying in different attitudes, high angle of attact, howering, unlimited vertical climb while large control surfaces allow for very impressive and fast maneuvering. It is quite common these days to use gyro assitance.

Competition aerobatics (F3A or IMAC)

At GMAC we have a small yet didicated group of pilots that compete in either F3A or IMAC category. Both are different styles of aurobatic competitions. Airplanes used in the competitions are of special design and rules. Both disciplines attract those that want to excel in their flying skills as both require a lot of practising. The disciplines require flying a pre-defined set of maneveres that are judged and scored by peer pilots in frequne. A range of levels exists in each and the best can represent Australia on International arena. Stopping short of competing internationally, both disciplines are very effective in developing very good pilots with a keen eye on flight geometry, smoothness, aerobatic and “sticks” skills and advanced aircraft trimming. Interestingly, both comps do not allow for gyro applications – it is all pilot skills.

GMAC field is located in a sensitive area, within a Park surrounded by real estate, golf course and other clubs. As such, the flying space is limited and while F3A box fits into our area the full size IMAC box does not. IMAC planes may be further restricted by the 94dB noise limit.
F3A Fields




At GMAC runway dimensions and flying area size very well support EDF (electric) jets yet we do have a small number of turbine jets as well that are flown at GMAC several times a year. Recent technology developments have seen great improvements in the small, foam jets space and various aircrafts are available with impressive look, selection and motors and equipment. Our flying space is not suited for large and fast turbine jets.


Multirotors and helicopters

Multirotors and Helicopters are popular and fully upported in our Club. GMAC is one of the three Clubs in the State that has electric power available in the pitts area that comes very handy in charging LiPo batteries.